Duurzaamheid overzicht
Our sustainable initiatives

Working towards a sustainable future

Sustainability is part of our strategy. We continually look at where we can make improvements. In our own organization as well as for our customers and for society. For example, we are working on reducing energy consumption, on circularity and on cutting CO2 emissions and, where possible, we make a positive contribution to nature. We are also dedicated to biodiversity and climate adaptation. In this way we make not only KPN but also the Netherlands a little bit greener every day.

KPN has been working on a large number of sustainability initiatives for a long time: initiatives that we ourselves launched. And we work in partnership with others; after all, two heads are better than one.

This is what we do:

Bijen en bloem
Biodiversity and climate adaptation

About the birds and the bees

Green roofs, flowering meadows, nest boxes with wildlife sensors; there are dozens of locations where KPN is helping to enhance biodiversity. Our infrastructure, which covers all corners of the country, offers great opportunities for this. On and around our buildings and sites we are taking a variety of initiatives to improve biodiversity as part of our approach to sustainability. Many measures focusing on biodiversity also have other benefits, such as climate adaptation.

Biodiversity KPN Assests Po P Streefwaarde
Yardstick for nature-inclusive building

Green, greener, greenest

Grass tiles, a nature dam and fauna sensors; with a few guidelines, small structures can be transformed into a green oasis. But how do you do this the right way? Knowledge Naturally! of Naturalis Biodiversity Center was commissioned by KPN to develop a yardstick for nature-inclusive construction. This yardstick helps determine exactly how nature-inclusive a small structure is. KPN's infrastructure is used for biodiversity in the best possible way. In 2023, for example, the first over-the-top nature-inclusive fiber optic neighborhood power plant will be installed in Leiden.

Groene Netten
Groene Netten

Improving biodiversity together

Working with others you can achieve a lot more than on your own, which is why KPN is a member of Groene Netten [Green Networks]. This is a partnership in the field of sustainability and infrastructure. Together with infrastructure managers Alliander, Enexis, Stedin, Tennet, Prorail, Gasunie and Rijkswaterstaat we are working on initiatives such as a project to improve biodiversity in our country: The Green Infrastructure.

Energy Innovation Lab
Energy Innovation Lab

Testing ground for sustainable development

The Energy Innovation Lab is a division of KPN that studies and tests energy-related innovations. Since 2019, our sustainability advisers have been working on the challenges that our network faces as part of the energy transition in the Netherlands. Hun eerste focus: de honderden wijkcentrales van KPN verspreid over het land.

Zero waste glasvezel
Cleaner fiber

Zero Waste from installation of fiber

Residual materials (waste flows) are left over when we lay our fiber network. Together with our partners we process them as carefully and sustainably as possible. By ensuring better separation of the waste flows during the installation of our network we are taking another step towards our Zero Waste target. This enables us to reduce the impact of waste on the world around us and to connect the Netherlands to a sustainable future.

Kid groen
Children for Sustainability

Primary schools take part in telecom devices collection campaign

Many households have old and unused telecom devices such as modems, routers, digital TV boxes, mobile phones and tablets lying around. In cooperation with the Kinderen voor Duurzaamheid (Children for Sustainability) foundation, a campaign was started at primary schools in Harderwijk and Hierden to collect these devices so that they can be reused or recycled as much as possible. Every school that took part in the project and filled the collection box would receive a sponsorship amount to make the school more sustainable.

Our suppliers

Making more progress together