
Real contact during KPN’s Mooiste Contact Days


Social contact is important for all of us, but cannot be taken for granted by everyone. The KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds makes real contact possible. And KPN employees take that very literally during the KPN Mooiste Contact Days!

This year, 200 KPN volunteers set off with 200 guests from Stichting Lezen & Schrijven, Limor, the Ouderenfonds, Middin, Amstelring and Kingarthurgroep. On 17 and 18 June, they gave these people an unforgettable day in the Rijksmuseum and it was up to the KPN people to ensure that the guests wanted for nothing. Was it a success? You can see for yourself in the video below!

'The KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds is about connecting. As a techie, I know how well technology can help make that connection with society possible. I think it’s fantastic that together with enthusiastic KPN colleagues, we can ensure that as many people as possible in society are connected to each other ', explains Marieke Snoep, KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds board member, in the video.

KPN Mooiste Contact Days stems from the KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds, the foundation that was established in 2007. With the KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds, we support initiatives by various social partners that are aimed at stimulating social contact for vulnerable groups in society. For various reasons, some people have less connection to the world around them than they would like. Consequently, there is a threat of social isolation. The KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds applies technology, resources and people to do something about this.